Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Getting Healthy- Diabetes Edition: Staying Organized with Body Training Cards

Staying Organized with Body Training Cards

I find it hard to find new and good workout routines, especially when it comes to anaerobic activities.  So I got inspired!  I adapted Self’s Body Bonus Cards that are in the magazine and made my own version.  Whenever I find an exercise I’d like to try I print it out, or cut it out of the magazine and put it on an index card!  I place all the cards on a round ring so that it’s easy to keep up with and it stays organized.  Plus I don’t have millions of ripped out pages to worry about.

I also like the fact that I can pull out an x amount of note cards and I can use that as my routine for the next week or so.  Then the next week/ month I set those previous used routine cards aside and do another set of cards I draw out.  You can use this concept weekly, and monthly depending on what you want to focus on.

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