Saturday, February 14, 2015

Get Ready for Miss Momma G's Life Tool Kits!

I'm super excited to introduce my first Life Tool Kit Getting Healthy: Diabetes Edition!  Everyday for a week, I will share with you how I am making a Getting Healthy Plan that is Diabetic Friendly.  Here's a general outline of what to expect next week!

Getting Healthy: Diabetes Edition

A Getting Healthy Plan Toolkit: Diabetes Edition
1.      Research & Notes
a.       Diabetes & Risk Factors
b.      Understanding Meal Plans & Doing the Math
c.       Good Foods VS Bad Foods
d.      Cardio VS Strength Training
2.      Time Management
a.       Making a Schedule
                                                   i.      Weekly Schedule
b.      Logging and Tracking Intake & Outtake
                                                   i.      Free Printables
3.      Motivation
a.      How to make a Motivational Board
4.      Organizing
a.       How to make Body Training Index Cards
5.      Additional Resources: How to Stay On Track!
a.       Calorie King App
c.       Fitbit
6.      Putting It Together
a.       How to make a Get Healthy Toolkit Binder

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