Friday, February 13, 2015

DIY: Momma G's Washable Stamp Ink

Washable Stamp Ink 

by Miss Momma G

Technically, it's not really ink, but washable markers!  I don't like forking out tons of money on ink pads, let alone having to find a spot to put all the different colored ink pads afterwards.  So instead, I use what I call Washable Stamp Ink, which is basically any kind of washable marker!  This technique works well with letters and small stamps.  

You basically use your desired colored marker, color the ink fill side and press! Viola!  

I also find it very helpful to have a wet rag and dry rag for cleaning purposes.  I usually use a baby wipe and a piece of toilet paper.  I stamp on a wet surface then a dry surface to clean the stamp off after I am finished.

Here's an example of a finished product using my Washable Stamp Ink technique. It turned out quite nice with bright, pretty colors!

I hope you enjoyed this affordable crafty tip!

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