Monday, March 16, 2015

Own It Work It: Staying Positive

Own It Work It

Staying Positive

It's hard to always have a positive outlook.  Yes it is hard to always see the positive, but there is a lot of positive in the world, just as there is negativity.  But the hardest thing to remember sometimes is to focus on the positives! Life’s experiences will make it that much harder to find the positives in life, but moving forward is what I have to do.

When I lost our first baby, I was so mad and saw all the bad things!  I had every right to be mad, and to say it was not fair, but I knew I could not stay in that negativity much longer because I could feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into that black space that I knew I really didn't want to go.  I was grieving, but I also let the darkness creep in.  But one day I got up, got dressed, put on my game face and said no!  I had to find the light; I had to find the positive.  It was the only salvation I could think of besides God! 

I had had enough and was determined not to fall into that cold world of negativity! Negativity is such a drag, such a drain of energy that I didn't want.   I knew I was better than that, I knew what I had been through; what me and my husband had been through, I knew I was strong even if I could not see my own strength!  I started seeing the positive! 

Life is not all hunky dory, but finding the positive will change your life!   In me and my husbands’ situation; losing our baby made me Thankful for everything!  Yes it hurts every single day, but I cannot mope around and let all the negative of the world consume me and drain my energy!  Instead, I am, owning my life, taking control, learning to see the positive and making a difference! 

I’m still learning how to see the positive on a daily basis and learning to let go a little and let those positive things influence me; influencing me into making a difference not only for myself but for others.  Our loss has made me see the other side of life!  Yes losing a child is the worst of the worst feelings in the world, and the worst experience ever, but our baby has taught me to appreciate life and see the good, to know that there is also good in every bad situation.

Without the bad negativity there would be no good positives.  Without the negatives you would not know what positive is! You can’t have one without the other.  That’s why I say it’s imperative to always seek the positive in the darkest of the darkest and to remember to find life’s positive moments and experiences everyday!

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