Monday, February 9, 2015

Life: Own It Work It Challenge

After losing our baby only at 8 weeks gestation and then not even a month later being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I have made one of the most important decisions of my lifetime!  I am owning my Life!  I am owning my life and working hard to change it!  I am trying to become healthier!  I am exercising, eating better and taking my medication to help manage my disease!  

We as a human race, get so caught up in our work, "what we are supposed to do", society, drama, and chaos that we forget one simple thing.  We forget about ourselves!  How are we supposed to care for others if we let our dreams, hopes, aspirations, skills and abilities fade away?  How are we supposed to care for others when our own health isn't in that good of shape?  

Well, the answer is simple.  Take time for yourself!  Own your Life and Work hard for what you want!  And don't start thinking it's selfish to think of yourself either!  We are all human.  We all need dreams, hopes, challenges, and down falls to keep us alive!  So take the bad with the good and remember the only way you will make a difference in your life is if you actually do something about it!

I am going to make a difference!  I challenge you to do the same!  Join me and start taking control of your life!  I challenge you to take my Own It Work It Challenge!  See what your life has to offer once you start owning it and working hard for what you want!  Own your life and commit to making time for yourself, to challenge yourself, to make your dreams come true!  See the difference it makes, and be Thankful for every little mistake and achievement!   

Progress is Progress no matter what you may think or how small it may seem, because you put effort into it and you either learned from your mistakes or achieved your goal! So be Thankful for everything!

So I, Miss Momma G, challenge you to Make a Difference and Be Thankful by Owning your life and Working hard for what you want!

To Start:
  • Go like Miss Momma G's Facebook page!
  • Bookmark Miss Momma G's blog to stay up to date and to share your progress!
  • Log and Record how you are owning your life and how you are working hard to change your life!  
    • Use the hashtag #ownitworkitchallenge on all your posts and photos. 
    • Start a blog or Facebook album to record your hard work and progress! Then share it with others! 
    • You can do anything to make a difference, volunteer, eat healthy, exercise, stop smoking, learn to crochet, anything!
    • Own your life by taking charge!  Make a commitment and commit time to work hard for what you want!
  • Stay Motivated!  Keep moving Forward!  Own It!  Work hard for it!  Never give up!  You got this!
  • Remember there is always something to be Thankful For!  Regardless of how small or little, progress is progress!

Let's get to work shall we!?

Get some Goodies
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Get your workout gear, t-shirts, stickers, and more now!!

 Own It Work It Hoodie

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