I remember when I was in Kindergarten the teachers always had these file folder games that we always played. So I decided to make an Animal Sticker File Folder Matching game. This game is inexpensive and lots of fun to make.The children can even help put it together or they can even make their own game using this concept.
Materials Needed:
file folder
card stock or index cards
How to Make:
You then need to gather the stickers that you will use. Make sure they have a matching mate. Randomly stick the sticker onto the file folder in various positions. As you go place the match onto the index card, leaving enough space so that you can cut them out into a card. You can have as many or as little stickers on the file folder as you want, but remember the more there are the harder it will be for the child to see them. I used a variety of stickers. Some of the stickers I used were different images of fish, a seal, lion, dog, bear, butter fly, dinosaurs and lady bug. The possibilities are endless as long as you have a pair of the same stickers to be used.
Developmentally Appropriate For:
This activity is developmentally appropriate for preschool aged children.
This game teaches the student about pairs and matching. This concept is sometimes hard for students to understand but by encouraging the child to make their own game by picking out their own pairs of stickers that match and then placing the stickers on the file folder and index cards makes them excited about the learning process and the game. They are actually learning the concept as they are making their game. Then once the game is complete they actually get to play it and they think it’s really neat because they are the ones who made it. They feel really happy and know they have accomplished something.
More Ideas:
File folder games have endless possibilities. They are lots of fun and are a great way to get children involved in the making and decision process. They are great ways to teach concepts even if you don’t have lots of money to use or if you think you are not that creative.
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