Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Recipe: Momma G's Crockpot Creamy Fettuccine

"Chicken Alfredo"is a staple in our home!  And when it comes to Alfredo Sauce, Newman's Own comes in first place!  But I wanted to spice it up a bit this time, so I adjusted and adapted the recipe Crock Pot Chicken Fettuccine  Alfredo from Raining Hot Coupons.  I basically took out the extra can of Cream of Chicken and added Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce!  

     1 can cream of chicken
     1 packet of Italian seasoning
     1 jar of Newman's Own Alfredo sauce
     1-2 boxes of fettuccine noodles (I used 1 box)
     1-2 8 oz cream cheese ( I used (2) 8 oz boxes)
     1-2 chicken breast (optional) (not pictured above)

Start by boiling your chicken on top of the stove, making sure your chicken is cooked completely. Also start cooking your noodles according to the packaged directions.  In your crock pot, empty the jar of aflredo sauce and can of cream of chicken then sprinkle the Italian seasoning mix on top.  Mix together making sure all ingredients are mixed well.  Fill your alfredo jar about half full and pour into your crock pot and mix.  (Add more or less, depending on your preference)

Next open both packages of cream cheese and carefully cut the cream cheese in small pieces and place on top of the ingredients in your crock pot.  Once all cream cheese is cut and on top, mix again, making sure all the ingredients are mixed well.  Turn your crock pot on high while you tend to your boiling chicken and noodles.  (This begins to help melt the cream cheese making it creamy.)

Thirdly, drain your chicken and let cool for a few minutes.  Gradually cut up your chicken in small chunks or slightly shred it using a fork and knife.  Place all your "shredded" chicken in your crock pot and once again mix well.  

By now your noodles should be done.  Drain and pour noodles into your crock pot and mix together with the rest of the ingredients.  

Lastly, cover and let cook on High for about 30 minutes or Low for about an 1 hour (Time depends on each persons crock pot so it's just enough time to completely melt all of the cream cheese with the rest of your ingredients.) 

Serve and Enjoy!


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