Day 5 of the Save Money Series, I will provide DIY Recipes for things you can use around your house.
First, lets take laundry detergent for example. Even with coupons, I find myself shaking my head when purchasing laundry detergent. So after a lot of research and calculations, I've discovered a safe alternative! For only $6.79 for natural, safe, laundry detergent with a Grade B Toxicity Level, I can have both Safe and clean clothes that I can purchase from the store! However, I took it a step further and discovered if I make my own laundry detergent, it's about the same price but with a better Toxicity grade and better outcomes! You can learn more about Toxicity Grade Levels here at EWG!
Let's break this down:
$6.97 Store Bought -Liquid Laundry Detergent (for 50 ounces)
so that's about $0.14 per ounce (6.97/50=0.1394)
I have to use 1.5 ounces per load to clean laundry
so that's about $0.21 per load (0.14*1.5=0.21)
So for $6.97 you get a total of 33 loads
This particular detergent is a Grade B for Toxicity!
$6.71 DIY Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent ( for 135 ounces)
so that's about $0.05 per ounce (6.71/135=0.0497)
For Small loads I use 2oz
so that's about $0.10 per load (0.05*2=0.10)
For Large Loads/ Stains, I use 4oz
so that's about $0.20 per load (0.05*4=0.20)
So for $6.71 you get a total of (33.75) approximately 34 loads
This homemade version is a Grade A Toxicity Level!
When it comes down to it, both the store bought liquid laundry detergent AND the homemade powdered laundry detergent have about the same price when all said it done, however, if Toxicity is a concern, the homemade version is better! Plus with the homemade version, I have found it actually cleans much better and actually gets rid of smells instead of covering them up like store bought brand detergents.
Simple & Easy Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent Recipe
1 Box Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (55oz)
1 Box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (80 oz / 5lbs)
Mix the two ingredients together and place in an air tight container or mason jar. Scoop out 2 oz per load for small loads or 4 oz for larger loads.
Another way we save money is by making our own all purpose cleaner. It not only cleans better, but has a much better Toxicity Grade Level along with multiple uses!
Simple & Easy Homemade All Purpose Cleaner
Any amount of Hot water (the less amount of water the more concentrated)
1 tbs Baking Soda
1 tbs Liquid soap (Dish washing soap, use a less toxic brand! Find one HERE!)
Mix all ingredients into spray bottle. Use as needed. I've found that this is a great alternative to ant and insect spray! Less toxic chemicals too!S
Really, Really Simple All Purpose Cleaner
1 Bottle Hydrogen Peroxide
Yep, that's it! It's also good to put a spray bottle nozzle directly onto the hydrogen peroxide bottle itself. NOTE: Take Caution when using on wood!
Simple, Less Toxic Homemade Daily Shower Cleaner
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
1 tablespoon dishwasher rinse aid (like 7th Generation free n clear rinse aid)
3 cups water
32 oz Spray Bottle
Pour peroxide, rubbing alcohol, dish soap and rinse aid into a spray bottle. Slowly add the 3 cups of water and tilt the bottle back and forth to mix the ingredients. After you shower, spray down the walls and let it be. You don't have to wipe it down. Remember Hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the light so store your spray bottle in a dark place or use a dark colored spray bottle.