Monday, April 28, 2014

Recipe: Homemade Biscuits

After spending $1 on a biscuit and sausage everyday before I went to work, I said to myself there's gotta' be another way around this!  I know $1 isn't much, but when you get into a habit of purchasing one everyday, that ends up costing $5 a week just on something to eat for breakfast! So this lead me into the search to make my own biscuits and sausage.  Of course, if I bought the store brand biscuits it would defeat the purpose so, I ventured out and started looking for a homemade recipe for biscuits.  There are tons out there, but I wanted to keep it simple and wanted something a little less time consuming.  Load and behold, I found the easiest recipe ever; coming in with only 4 ingredients; yes 4!  Hola!!  You can find the recipe here at Grit by The Texas Pioneer Woman. I was skeptic at first, because anytime I try and make anything with just flour and no yeast, it ends up just like a big ole' hard rock that you can't eat.  However, I had success with this recipe! Did I mention it actually taste like biscuits!  Woot Woot!! Go Momma G....Sorry I got a little excited there.  But I give this recipe a thumbs up! You should definitely try it.  Now if only I could get off this Colombian Coffee kick!.......

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