Monday, March 2, 2015

Own It Work It: How to start Owning Your Life!

Own It Work It

Start Owning Your Life!

So how do you re-train yourself to take control of your life?  To fully own your life and start working for what you want?  It starts with ones self.  We all have grown up into a world where society tells us everything; how we should look, what is acceptable, what we should eat, etc.  But I'm not eating that junk society is trying to feed me!  I'm doing my own thing and owning my life!  I've always been different and seen things differently and quite frankly I do not care what others or society has to say about me.  I am me and I am proud of it!  I am my own kind of sparkle!

In order to really start to owning your life, you have to really want to make a difference and want to change and want to make your life better.  So start with yourself.  Sit down and ask yourself "What do I really want out of life? What do I need to do to make this change?  What do I have to do to make this happen the way I want it? Why do I want to do this for?"

No one never really truly understands how strong they are until they are faced with either a life threatening situation or your life changes drastically within an instant.  So don't be scared, embrace your pain, discomfort, experience and make a difference.  Let that experience change you, but change you in a good way.  Use that experience and make that your foundation on which you rebuilt your life!  You are much stronger than what you give yourself credit for, so go for it.  Move Forward!  Don't let people, things, situations, experiences or circumstance define you in a bad way!

Take the world with a grain of salt, just as you should with people.  Why should you live a mediocre life when you were designed to stand out, be different and make a difference?  Why waste the gift of life, living in a world you do not want to live in?  Get up, and change it!  It starts with you!  Be different, color outside the lines, take a chance and see what happens.  Live in the moment and truly discover what you are capable of by owning your life and not living a mediocre life where society tells you what you should do, what to wear, eat, and how to live.  Find your sparkle and shine baby, shine!!

Own your life!  Be accountable for your life!  Be True to yourself.  Work with what God has given you and make the best of it!  Learn how to Move Forward!

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