Monday, March 31, 2014

Recipe: Homemade Ham and Cheese Pockets

In an effort to keep food costs down and to stop eating Frozen food all the time, I've adapted this recipe and  made some homemade ham and cheese pockets.  

1 Roll Pillsbury Pizza Dough
1 Pkg Shredded Cheese
1 Pkg Cubed Ham

Unroll your dough and place on a clean, flat surface.  Use a spoon and cut your dough in squares, enough to hold your cheese and ham.  Place cheese and ham on the dough then wrap dough around to make a pocket.  Bake  at 350-degrees for 15-18 minutes, on  a greased cookie sheet until lightly browned.

These are also Freezable!!

To freeze, let them cool completely then place in air tight zip lock bags.
Adapted from: Money Saving Mom
Also use this idea to make your own Pizza Pockets!!

Thanks again Money Saving Mom !

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Crochet: Tumbling Blocks Baby Blanket

Tumbling Blocks Baby Blanket

Here's a simple yet cute crocheted baby blanket over at Yarnspirations!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Favorite Sites & Pages

:: Last Updated 01.21.15

Check below for a list of our Favorite Sites & Pages!  The list is forever changing and being updated so make sure you check back often!

Animal Friendly / Cruelty Free

Crafty & DIY Sites

Frugal Living: Money Saving Sites

Frugal Living: Money Saving: Try for Feedback

Vocal Point
She Speaks


Frugal Living: Money Saving: Rewards Programs

Frugal Living: Money Saving: Freebie Sites

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Deal Catcher
Free Flys
Free Stuff Times

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Freebies Radar
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I Crave Freebies
I Love Free Things
Mom's Fun Money
Monica's Freebies

My Free Product Samples
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Scam Free Samples
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Zena's Freebies

Frugal Living: Money Saving: Coupon Sites
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USDA Organic

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All About Veganisim

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Crochet: Learning Crochet & Stitch Anatomoy

Crochet & Stitch Anatomy 

Here's a great crochet stitch resource at Loopy Patterns!  Includes stitch anatomy, materials, how to crochet and some basis.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

2014 Crochet Project: #1 Happy Afghan

Project #1:  Happy Afghan
Pattern:       Red Heart: Happy Hearts Afghan

I really loved how this afghan turned out!  It was a bit time consuming considering I became sick in the middle of the project which put me behind.  I ended up not using the heart appliques and I think it turned out just fine! The challenge with this afghan was deciding which way I wanted to stitch my squares together and which squares to put together. Instead of using the method the pattern recommended, I used a different technique; I believe it is called a mattress stitch.  

Giving: Charities that Accept Crochet Donations

Crochet: Rainbow Raindrops Cushion Pattern

Rainbow Raindrops

I totally fell in  with Lucy's Rainbow Cushion with the Raindrops stitch.  I also really liked how she added buttons to her project.  Get the pattern at Attic24!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cross Stitch Iphone Case

I just happened to come across this awesome cross stitch Iphone case!  It's totally rad!! You can totally make your own design and show it off! Get your's here at Purl Solo!

Animal Friendly: What it means to me to be Animal Friendly

Everyone who knows me, knows that I have a big heart for animals.  I love animals, and I hate to see any of them hurt.  Now, I am not vegan by any means; but that doesn't mean I still can't love animals.  Not just dogs and cats but all animals of this world.  For the past 2 years, I have adapted to an “Animal Friendly” life style and I’m still adapting.   Okay now let me explain this.  My “Animal Friendly” life style only includes the extra stuff in life that I can do without; like the makeup, lotion, nail polish, etc.  However, I have my own definition of “Animal Friendly.”  To me, “Animal Friendly” means that no animals are harmed, hurt, killed in any way, form, or fashion when manufacturing, producing products, etc.  Now let me clarify this.  Bee’s Wax, commonly found in chap stick, comes from animals, but the bee’s are not harmed in any way in terms of gathering the wax from the bees.  So to me, chap stick with bee’s wax is an “Animal Friendly” product.  

Now comes the big Vegan term.  To me, Vegan means that the product is completely free of any animal by-products of any kind.  This means that if I were Vegan then I would not use the chap stick as mentioned earlier because it had an animal by-product as an ingredient, i.e. bee’s wax.

Then we have these Cruelty Free Companies, featured at PETA.  I have nothing against PETA, but be careful. When I first started my Animal Friendly quest 2 years ago, I learned a valuable lesson.  Don’t always assume that a company is Cruelty Free unless you do your homework.  For example, a certain product could be cruelty free/ animal friendly, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the company that manufacturers or distributes that product is.  So to me I check both the product, the manufacturer and distributor before labeling that product animal friendly or not.
My Definition of Terms:
Animal Friendly
The animal was not harmed, hurt, killed, tested on, etc in any process of producing, manufacturing, etc. the product to be sold.
= There can be animal by-products only if the animal was not harmed, hurt, killed, tested on, etc in any process of producing, manufacturing, etc. the product to be sold.
= 100% free of animal by-products
= animals are not tested on, harmed, hurt, killed, etc in any process of producing, manufacturing, etc. of the product to be sold
Cruelty Free
= animals are not killed/ tested on in any way in any process of the product that is to be sold
= However manufacturers, distributors, etc may test/ kill, so do your research!
This is only my opinion and the way I view this specific topic, so please do your research and have your own opinion , views, etc. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Recycled Craft Idea: Recycled Capri Sun Pouches made into a Bag

Being my first recycled craft project, I was pleased with the overall outcome of these recycled capri sun pouches.  Granted, I made this project over a year ago.  So I highly do not recommend going out and buying any capri sun pouches just for the pure fact that they have been known to have mold in them.  I bet you are thinking, well why are you making a post about them right?  Well, I thought I'd share it with you anyways just for that fact that it is a cool idea for a craft and that the bag is actually functional!  Thanks SaraLynnTea for the Free tutorial!

Teaching: Teaching Concepts Through Literacy

As a parent / teacher have you ever found yourself trying to explain a concept to a young child and failed miserably at it to where the child still doesn't understand or even yet the child gets more confused?  Well, you are not alone!  However, I may have a solution to the problem, or more simply a more developmentally appropriate way to explain the concept/ situation to the young child.  How about reading a book?  Children love to be read to!  Book reading promotes listening, understanding, and knowledge in subject areas (Bredekamp 2014).  Therefore, if a child is having a tough time understanding why their pet fish for example died, you can teach the concept of death by reading a book about it.  

Here are some books I have used in my career and lifetime that have helped me support young children's understanding of certain life challenges.  

One of my top favorites is Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae.  This book is developmentally appropriate for Preschool to 3rd grade, ages 4 and up.  It supports a child's stress of being different.  Just because a child may be different from everyone else doesn't mean they can’t do something.  This book positively encourages that being different is okay and acceptable.  ~I totally LOVE this Book!!

Another great book I Love is The Berenstain Bears: Lose a Friend by Stan & Jan Berenstain with Mike Berestain.  This book is developmentally appropriate for Preschool to 2nd grade, ages 4-8.  This book supports a child's stress of death.  This book encourages children that it is absolutely okay to get upset and cry and even be mad at loss but it will be okay in the end.  It also provides ways that might help a child when they lose a pet: have a simple funeral, draw a picture, make a scrapbook, write about it, etc.  This book provides coping strategies on how to get through the loss and to move on.  This book also describes one of life’s process, death, how to deal and to move on and cope.  It teaches children that death is a part of life and it will be okay.  That death is a natural process and that life goes on.

A great book that supports a child's stress of diversity is Whoever You Are by Mem Fox (A Reading Rainbow Book).  This book is developmentally appropriate for Preschool to 3rd grade, ages 4-8.  This book teaches the concept of diversity, similarities, differences, cultures, ethnicity, and etc but when it comes down to it we are all the same. A great read for anyone having difficulty with diversity!

Another favorite of mine is The Berenstain Bears: And Too Much Junk Food by Stan & Jan Berenstain.  This book is developmentally appropriate for Preschool to 2nd grade, ages 3-7.  This book encourages the concept of good eating habits and fitness.  This book supports a child's stress of healthy eating.  This book supports the importance of nutrition and exercise in a child’s daily life.  This book helps explain why junk food is not always okay and that a balance of exercise and good foods contribute to overall good health.  This book explains why good food is important to sustain a healthy life.  In addition is gives children explanations of what the food does for their bodies and systems.  This book is important in explaining why too much junk food can make them bigger and unhealthy and how they can change that.  

To find more developmentally appropriate books to help cope with child stressors or to help you with your CDA requirements, please go to Literature to Help Children Cope with Family Stressors by NAEYC!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Crochet: How to make a cute Crochet Flower Coaster

After searching the internet for more crochet ideas, I found this cute crochet flower coaster over at Mollie Makes.  Now, the question is, should I make this as a gift; and if so, who would it be for? Hmmm....There’s a tutorial as well.  Happy Crocheting!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Teaching: Affordable DIY File Folder Animal Sticker Matching Game

I remember when I was in Kindergarten the teachers always had these file folder games that we always played.  So I decided to make an Animal Sticker File Folder Matching game.  This game is inexpensive and lots of fun to make.The children can even help put it together or they can even make their own game using this concept. 

Materials Needed:
file folder
matching stickers
card stock or index cards

How to Make:
You then need to gather the stickers that you will use.  Make sure they have a matching mate.  Randomly stick the sticker onto the file folder in various positions.  As you go place the match onto the index card, leaving enough space so that you can cut them out into a card.  You can have as many or as little stickers on the file folder as you want, but remember the more there are the harder it will be for the child to see them.  I used a variety of stickers.  Some of the stickers I used were different images of fish, a seal, lion, dog, bear, butter fly, dinosaurs and lady bug.  The possibilities are endless as long as you have a pair of the same stickers to be used. 

Developmentally Appropriate For:
This activity is developmentally appropriate for preschool aged children.

Teaching Concept: 
This game teaches the student about pairs and matching.  This concept is sometimes hard for students to understand but by encouraging the child to make their own game by picking out their own pairs of stickers that match and then placing the stickers on the file folder and index cards makes them excited about the learning process and the game.  They are actually learning the concept as they are making their game.  Then once the game is complete they actually get to play it and they think it’s really neat because they are the ones who made it.  They feel really happy and know they have accomplished something.

More Ideas:

File folder games have endless possibilities.  They are lots of fun and are a great way to get children involved in the making and decision process.  They are great ways to teach concepts even if you don’t have lots of money to use or if you think you are not that creative.  

2013 Crochet Projects: #4 Purple & Green Scarf

Project #4: Another Scarf
Another cute, functional crochet scarf.  I forgot where I found this pattern, but again I changed it a bit.  

Friday, March 21, 2014

2013 Crochet Projects: #3 Ingrid Scarf

Project #3: Ingrid Scarf
Here's another simple, cute, and functional crochet pattern from FiberFlux! Get your FREE pattern over at FiberFlux.  Thanks again FiberFlux for the awesome FREE pattern!!

2013 Crochet Projects: #2 Kitchen Lovelies

Project #2: Kitchen Pot Holders or Kitchen Lovelies as Fiberflux calls them :)
Here's another simple, cute, and functional crochet pattern. Get your FREE pattern over atFiberFlux.  Thank you FiberFlux for the awesome FREE pattern!!

Awareness, Causes, & Programs I Support

Savings: Some ways how I Save Money!

I get asked all the time how I save moolah, and if I really do save money? Well the answer to that question is Yes and there are tons of ways to save money.  At times it can be overwhelming but in the end, when you see that you've saved over $40, sometimes $80 just by using coupons, doing your research, and finding deals, well then it's all worth it!! Here are some ways I usually save money:

1) Using coupons: There are coupons everywhere!  In magazines, in the mail, online that you can print, manufactured coupons in the paper, peelie coupons you find in the stores.  They are everywhere.  You just have to know where to look for them.  A great way to start is by checking the Sunday Coupon Preview. This is where you can preview what is going to be in the Sunday newspaper.  (Research to be ready to begin your week clipping your coupons.) Then you move to your online coupon sites, newspaper coupons, coupons by store, etc.  Research - Clip - Print! 

2) Look for Deals and buy Clearance Items:  There are always deals out there, but just because it's on sale doesn't mean it's the best deal.  So pay attention and research your deal, make sure it truly is a deal! Clearance is also another great way to save! But beware, many clearance food items are on clearance because they are expired!  It's basically up to you.  Use your own judgement.

3) Sign up for Free Samples:  Signing up for Free Samples saves money but also lets you try out new products!  Free Samples can help when you are running low on a particular item, can be used for care packages for our troops over seas, or can be given to the homeless as a care package.  The possibilities are endless!

Savings: How we spend $200 a month on Groceries!

Wow, $200 a month on food for two people.  I bet you are saying well she doesn't have a family of four like I do or you may be thinking that it just doesn't seem possible.  Trust me, I was that person shaking my head saying “Yeah right!” too.  I was like, there is no way I can spend only $200, $50 a week on food! But you know what; I have been doing so for a whole year!  And although we are a family of two, we like to eat, but we always have tons of left overs; so really each meal can feed four people.  Needless to say, we eat left overs a lot in our household, but it’s so worth it! 

How Do You Save Money?

1)   Make A Budget & gradually spend less:

Making a budget takes time and a lot of patience!  Before I started making a budget, I would spend anywhere from $400- $300 month on groceries!  That’s over $4800.00 a year on food!!  So in an effort to cut my grocery spending, I started a budget.  It was hard to stick with it at first because I felt as though I was “cutting myself short” but in reality I was spending way too much on food that was being wasted! 

Tip:  Start out slow and gradually decrease your spending amount each month.  I started with $400, the next month I went to $350, then $200!  I gradually learned how to spend less!

2)   Use Coupons & do your Research:

I typically clip coupons, print coupons from coupon sites,  load coupons to my Kroger card, Look at Ad after Ad, do Research, and more Research, Check deals, look at weekly Match-Up Deals on the internet, and Research some more! 

In order to Save Money, you have to Take Time and do your Research!! 

3)   Make a Menu Plan & relieve Stress:

At first I was like, really, a Menu Plan?  You’ve got to be kidding me!  Well, I’m not kidding ya’ll!  Menu Planning not only helps you keep a little extra cash in your pocket, but you don’t have your hubby asking every day, “Hey what’s for dinner?”  It keeps you organized, and hopefully stress Free once you get used to it! 


If your family loves Spaghetti and meatballs with Garlic bread, then make sure you try to have that at least once a week.  You could even try to make your own pasta, homemade meatballs and even cheap garlic bread (bread with garlic salt).  **This kills 3 stresses with 1 stone* 1. You make a dinner everyone likes. 2.  You can make it cheaper by making it from scratch 3. You have 1 main meal planned for every week!

4)   Make a List & stick to it:

Once you’ve checked all the ads, clipped your coupons and made a Menu Plan and did all your Research, Make a list of what you plan on buying and Stick to your list!  Making a list and sticking to it will actually help you from making unnecessary purchases.  It will help you stay on track and buy the “needs” instead of the “wants.” 

5)   Buy Store Brand vs Name Brand

Yes Store brand may taste better, but take a minute and think about it.  You are paying for the label (name of the product) or the lack or addition of an ingredient!  Sometimes you find the exact same product with the exact same ingredients but in different quantities.   You are paying for the name brand because it looks prettier or because you “trust” it based on commercials, how it taste, etc.  Now this is not to say that name brands don’t taste better, because some do.  It’s basically a matter of how much money you want to spend for that name brand product or the taste of the product.  The choice is up to you.

6)   Buy in bulk & Save more:

One of the easiest ways to save money is to buy in BULK!  It will save you money in the long run.  A prime example:  baking soda.  Baking soda is used in many homemade recipes and you can use it in basically anything.  You can use it to cook with, clean with, use it in homemade laundry detergent etc.   So why buy a small box of baking soda for $1 that you will get maybe a few uses out of (but in the back of your mind you’re thinking hey it’s only $1) when you can buy a bulk supply of it for half the cost?

Tip:  If you have multiple uses for a specific product, try to buy it in bulk to save money.

7)   Pay Special Attention to “Sale” Items & take Extra Time:

Just because it is on sale, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the cheapest!  That’s why it’s important to Take extra time to read the labels and calculate the price per ounce, lb, etc.  You may be thinking you are getting a deal but you really don’t know until you calculate the price per ounce, price per pound, etc.

8)   Stock up & make a Stock Pile:

If you find yourself with a great sale, make sure you stock up!  Again, if it’s a product that your  family uses often and it is on Sale, and you’re getting more for your buck, stock up on that bad boy and put it in your Stock Pile! 

9)   Learn to Eat Left Overs & be Jolly:

Left overs aren’t all that bad once you get used to them.  You can bring them for lunch the next day or heat them up when you’re stressed for time after work or when you just really don’t feel like cooking.

Extra Tips:

1)   Take Advantage of the “perks” when signing up for News and Coupons from your favorite stores.  Kroger Mailing List, etc.  **Every Friday Kroger sends out an email (if you’re signed up) telling you what their Freebie is for this Friday.

2)    Say you make a Grocery budget, $200 month on groceries, and you don’t use $200.  Put the money you don’t use back for the next month’s trip.  So if you find something on sale or you want to Stock Up on something, you won’t feel guilty doing it and you won’t actually go over budget!

3)   Make and put your plan into action!  Your plan of action for saving may be different than someone you know.  You may need $500 month on groceries while your neighbor only needs $300.  It’s okay! Everyone has different needs!